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The Benefits Of A Holistic Approach To Recovery

Getting treatment for mental and physical health is essential to an individual’s overall well-being. Today, many therapists apply a holistic approach to address physical, mental, and psychological health concerns. This means that people with mental, physical, and emotional health concerns can seek therapy from a professional to recover and live normally.

The mind, body, and spirit can be whole again through holistic therapy. There are many benefits to a holistic approach to therapy and treatment. 

What is Holistic Therapy?

Holistic Therapy, also referred to as body-centered psychotherapy, is a healing process. This healing process addresses and supports the mind, body, spirit, and emotions. This therapy incorporates traditional and non-traditional treatments to help an individual gain optimal health and wholeness. 

Holistic therapists believe that every part of the body should work properly to support the functioning of the entire body system. If one component fails, then it may cause imbalances in the body. This could be spiritual, physical, mental, or emotional, affecting an individual’s overall health. 

Therapists use complementary and alternative practices within their toolboxes. They focus on the patient’s mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing rather than on a single problem. Unlike general therapy, where patients get treated separately, a holistic approach addresses all aspects of an individual’s health. 

Objectives of Holistic Therapy

The goal of holistic therapy is to focus on an individual’s wellbeing. Focussing on an individual’s wellbeing ensures that all the elements of the individual’s health get addressed rather than addressing or treating only one aspect. Holistic therapists help people gain a deeper understanding of their emotional, physical and mental well-being. 

This approach teaches self-care practices to live a balanced life. For instance, with holistic therapy, an individual with a medical condition does not only get medical help for their emotional, spiritual, and mental aspects. 

Holistic therapists apply collaborative and effective treatment approaches. They examine an individual and address signs of depression, anxiety, or substance abuse. This will help the individual come to self-realization and acceptance. 

Once an individual achieves self-acceptance, it could be easy to let go of the stress and anxiety. Holistic therapists often get techniques that address their issues. This tends to downplay the traditional treatments where patients’ problems are not discussed as a whole. 

Treatments Paired With Holistic Therapy

When seeking holistic therapy, it is essential to note that this approach doesn’t negate western medicine. Holistic therapists may use different forms of health care to treat patients. This could be a combination of conventional medication and alternative therapies. 

Here are the different types of holistic approaches a doctor may use:

  • Mind-Body Therapy: This combination of techniques improves the body’s functioning. Each process improves overall health by enhancing how the mind interacts with the body. The methods may include relaxation, meditation, group support, visual imagery, hypnosis, and art therapy.
  • Nutritional Therapy: A holistic therapist checks the patient’s nutrition status and may recommend a proper diet. The diet focuses on helping the patient’s condition improve and heal. Nutrition therapy may include a simple diet change to give the body the nutrition needed to recover and overcome addiction.
  • Massage Therapy: Body massage is a therapy practiced for many years. It helps relieve stress and promotes relaxation of the body. A holistic therapist can use a different massage therapy depending on the patient’s underlying condition. The therapist can also use acupuncture to restore the body’s balance after prolonged drug or alcohol addiction.
  • Spiritual Therapy: Spiritual therapy and meditation are essential for the spiritual wellness of an individual. While spirituality is connected to religion, it may appear in different ways. The focus of spiritual therapy is to help individuals reconnect to their purpose and beliefs. It helps individuals connect to something greater that helps them feel better and relieved from stress and anxiety. 
  • Exercise Therapy: The body requires physical movement to keep strengthened, improve balance, increase flexibility, ease chronic pain and relieve stress and anxiety. This can be achieved through physical exercises such as yoga and recreational activities. Different holistic therapists may recommend various actions depending on the individual’s health concerns. 

When a patient visits a holistic doctor, the doctor can also analyze the potential causes of the patient’s sickness. The doctor may determine if the patient has sleep problems, stress, anxiety, personal problems, or diet changes. This enables a therapist to recommend the appropriate holistic therapy.

Frequency and Length of Holistic Therapy Sessions 

How long a patient attends holistic therapy sessions depend on their health condition and the kind of treatment they receive. Some holistic therapies such as massage therapy and breath-work may be available in a single session. In single sessions, the patient may attend the therapy when needed.

Some patients may require a combination of individualized treatment approaches and may have to attend those sessions on different schedules. In short, there is no pre-determined time that a patient attends holistic therapy. The patient and holistic therapist agree on the treatment goals before the therapy begins. 

The therapist may guide the patient on how to measure progress based on the treatment goals. Patients can attend sessions until they work through the issues bothering them. It is okay for the patient to continue until the problem gets resolved with no symptoms. 

Some patients continue with holistic therapy for many years, while others spend their entire lives in therapy. This could be because holistic treatment varies, and people can continue with it without symptoms. 

Akasha Recovery: A Trusted Holistic Therapy Center in San Diego, CA

Locating a trusted holistic therapy center can be challenging and tiring for many individuals. It is imperative for those seeking treatment to do due diligence. People seeking treatment should find a licensed, certified, and experienced therapist with proper therapeutic techniques. 

Akasha Recovery is a leading holistic therapy center in San Diego, CA. Our center has experienced, qualified, licensed, and certified therapists helping individuals manage stress, learn to cope with emotions healthily, and overcome addictions. 

Contact us for a free consultation and to learn more about our services.