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How to Support a Loved One with a Mental Health Condition

In the US, nearly one in five adults struggle with a mental disorder. When someone you care about is showing symptoms of a mental illness, it’s easy to feel frustrated, overwhelmed, or helpless. As your trusted holistic rehab center in San Diego, Akasha Recovery offers tips on how you can support a loved one and guide them through recovery.

Know the warning signs

Symptoms of mental illness vary widely but may include:

  • Excessive fear, worry, or anxiety
  • Long-lasting sadness or irritability
  • Physical ailments without obvious causes, including stomachaches and headaches 
  • Difficulty concentrating or learning
  • Extreme mood swings from periods of depression to mania or euphoria
  • Prolonged or strong feelings of irritability or anger
  • Withdrawal from social activities
  • Constant fatigue and low energy
  • Adverse changes in sleeping habits and appetite
  • Inability to function at school or work
  • Changes in sex drive
  • Delusions or hallucinations
  • Anosognosia or the inability to perceive one’s own condition
  • Overuse of substances like alcohol or drugs
  • Suicidal thoughts

Keep in mind that exhibiting these symptoms does not necessarily mean the person is struggling with mental illness. A psychiatric evaluation can ensure accurate diagnosis, aid proper treatment, and prevent more serious symptoms from developing.

Every mental health condition is different. Educate yourself about your loved one’s illness, including their symptoms and possible treatments. Doing so will help you better understand the kind of support they need. 

woman talking to therapist

Listen and communicate without judgment

Simply being present and available can make a world of difference to your loved one. If you can, plan the conversation in advance and be patient, sensitive, and supportive throughout.

Avoid making assumptions, and don’t force them to share. If they’re having trouble talking about their experiences, let them know that you’ll be there when they are ready to do so.

Reminding your loved one that they’re more than their mental disorder is important. Talking about their strengths and the things they love can separate their identity from their illness. You can also help them set goals to increase their motivation and aid their recovery.

Rest and set boundaries

While offering empathy and emotional support is invaluable, be clear about what you can and can’t do to help. Know your boundaries, and give yourself time to process what your loved one has shared about their condition. 

Looking after yourself will allow you to care for your loved one throughout their recovery.

Encourage treatment

One of the best ways you can help someone with mental illness is to encourage them to seek treatment. There is a myriad of treatment options available, such as medication, individual and group therapy, and a combination of both. Professional treatment can help your loved one manage symptoms, develop coping skills, and gain hope and acceptance.

You can further show support by accompanying them to doctor’s appointments, organizing prescriptions and paperwork, and taking over some of their chores and household tasks.

Help a loved one achieve total wellness and recovery

When someone has a mental disorder, support from friends and family plays a crucial role in recovery. 

At Akasha Recovery, we offer a safe and compassionate space for your loved one’s healing. Contact us for a confidential assessment.