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What If My Family Doesn’t Accept My Addiction?

Are you engaged in substance use or suffering from addiction to drugs and alcohol? Although drug addiction and alcoholism are diseases of isolation, they affect those around you as well. If you are caught up in addictive and self-harming behavior […]

Are you engaged in substance use or suffering from addiction to drugs and alcohol? Although drug addiction and alcoholism are diseases of isolation, they affect those around you as well. If you are caught up in addictive and self-harming behavior, it may be difficult for your family to accept your disease and to know how to appropriately respond.

Navigating recovery from alcoholism and drug addiction is possible but can be incredibly difficult. Families can complicate this process further. This is one reason why enrolling in a rehab facility that specializes in the treatment of alcoholism and substance use disorder can be helpful.

Disruption of the Family System

Those familiar with the disease of drug addiction know that it can devastate the life of the addicted individual. Similarly, most families of drug addicts and alcoholics experience disruption of the family system as well, due to the addicted person”s substance use. This can be scary and frustrating for family members as they watch their loved ones be consumed by compulsively self-destructive behaviors.

While addiction”s impact on an affected family can be tragic, placing blame on the addicted person is rarely productive or fair. Whether you are suffering from addiction or the relative of someone engaged in substance abuse, no one person is entirely at fault for the strain on your family.

Addiction is often misunderstood as a lack of willpower or an inability to recognize the negative consequences of one’s behavior on the family. The reality is, however, that addiction is a complicated, bewildering disease. Addicted persons often recognize the harm to their families but are still unable to change their behaviors without outside interventions, such as clinical detox and rehabilitation from drugs and alcohol.

Other Risks to the Family Unit

This isn’t to say that families of alcoholics or addicts don’t have reason to be concerned. Addiction is a dangerous issue in any family, and relatives may have legitimate reasons for being concerned for the wellbeing of the person suffering from addiction and the family at large.

For example, according to a recent study, children of parents who are alcoholics or engaged in substance use may be more likely to also suffer from addiction later on in life. Children are exposed to patterns of behavior in these family environments that may normalize “self-medicating” behaviors. Using alcohol and drugs to cope with stress and anxiety become apparently acceptable solutions for dealing with life’s problems.

What Can I Do?

If you are suffering from addiction and struggling with disruptions to your family life, enrolling in a rehabilitation facility, sober living, or another recovery residence may be helpful for you. In order to give you time and space to heal from your disease, attending a rehab program or outpatient facility may be an important and necessary first step toward recovery. Contact us today to discuss your options for rehab. We look forward to taking your call.