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Exploring the Benefits of Inpatient Drug Rehabilitation

Inpatient rehabilitation is often the last step many seeking help with addiction wish to take.

Inpatient rehabilitation is often the last step many seeking help with addiction wish to take. They must be admitted, not always of their own decision, to a program in a hospital or clinic which will focus on restoring order to their life while enabling them through medical and mental therapy to overcome their addiction. This all comes at the sacrifice of their freedom for a time, something that is unavoidable but undesirable. It can sometimes feel as if they are being punished for their addiction.

As one makes the decision on the choice to attend rehab, there are key factors which bear some explanation to make the choice easier. Inpatient drug rehab is saved as the last resort because it has the highest chance of working on all patients who have unique degrees of suffering.

Provides a Safe Environment

Rehab facilities keep patients safe and secure from themselves and from others. Temptations are eliminated and kept firmly out of the environment. The counselors and staff on hand are there to maintain that safety for everyone at all times, ensuring not just safety but a measure of equality as well.

drug rehab center

Create a Peer Support Network

People recovering from drug addiction have a unique perspective to their problem, one that only they can fully understand. Though symptoms may differ, the root cause is the same. Having addicts near each other undergoing simultaneous support allows them to support one another, morally and mentally, to know they are never alone in their journey to better health.

Privacy is Respected and Enforced

Addiction is unfortunately still a stigmatized illness to the public, as it is often very misunderstood as a conscious and ongoing choice. Until better acceptance can be taught and understood, rehab facilities offer to protect the privacy and identity of clients while they undergo treatment. Their administration is covered, as well as their tenancy. Only close family and friends are allowed to know about a patient’s admission. They are shielded entirely from the outside world so they can focus entirely on recovery and counseling.

Wide Choice of Treatments and Therapy

Perhaps one method did not work in the past, so a patient seeks something new to try. Rehab centers offer many different plans to treat and improve the health of the patients for as long as they are able. If one method does not work over a period of time, a new one can be implemented immediately without moving the patient to a new facility or ceasing support altogether.

Focus on Learning about the Self

There is always one common core relation between an addict and their wellbeing: themselves. Counseling in rehab is meant more to give the patient a focus on themselves, their own issues, and how to repair their mental and physical state so they never fall into the same habits again. This includes teaching new habits and routines to overwrite the destructive old ones, as well as external education on matters that might lead to addiction. They teach skills for daily life and professional acumen. This includes employability, social communication, healthy dieting and hygiene.

Holistic Treatment Center San Diego

Treatment does not Stop After Leaving

Rehab is an effort, and one that takes time and dedication to pursue. Relapses happen to most people during the recovery phase, from 50% to 90%, with rates varying based on the substance. The effort of rehabilitation past the impatient phase lies in what the patient learns during it. This is the principle of aftercare, the learned and practiced methods taught throughout therapy to ensure the treatment stays in place.

Personalized Learning and Treatment

Having inpatient care means the addict is a patient of medical professionals. They are a single unit with a unique take on a well known and researched disease. Each person responds to treatments differently. Those differences are what divide patients between successful recovery and returning patients in the future. The same method won’t always work. That is why rehab facilities maintain enough staff who have the skills necessary to approach everyone as a unique case with an individual identity. They will not be part of a fold, assigned a number in a group. They will be treated as they are by a fellow human being.

Emergency and Full Support Medical Assistance

Some addictions are more dangerous than others. All are part of the same disease, but the withdrawal symptoms of something like an opioid are far more severe and deadly than withdrawal from nicotine or alcohol. While under inpatient care, addicts will be surrounded by doctors at all times and have fast access to necessary medications to rebalance and detoxify the body in a safe way. Their body will be in the good hands of curing doctors, even under the worst circumstances.

woman talking to therapist

Inpatient care is a sensitive subject. Someone suffering from addiction who is not prepared to take on that level of responsibility may resist it or refuse to participate. It should never be done by force. An unwilling patient will make a poor learner. Recovery will be harder for them. Their chance to relapse will be high as soon as they leave.

This could lead them to becoming dependent on rehabilitation as a way of staying away from the triggers that cause addictive behavior.

Inpatient rehab should be discussed with loved ones in a supportive setting, going over the benefits and other advantages it can bring. For some, it marks the end of the road of their life. In reality, it is the beginning of a new road to recovery and lasting aftercare treatment. Proper inpatient care facilities see a higher percent of success than failures, but they remain open to readmitting those who stumble on their independent journey.

Recovering from addiction is difficult. It is a disease to be beaten, not just a set of habits and routines to change. Inpatient care hits at the disease, fosters immunity, and removes all traces of the sickness while teaching proper techniques to prevent future sickness entirely. A patient who leaves with confidence to keep their addiction beaten leaves as healthy as they can be.