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Exploring the Role of Genetics in Addiction and Recovery

When it comes to our health, many issues that we can suffer from can be genetic. Genetic issues can run in our family line, meaning that we often find ourselves predisposed to potential health risks and problems later on in life. Certain illnesses and conditions can run in the family, so to speak. Well, when it comes to addiction, this can also be the case: someone who has a familial history of addiction could, in theory, be also likely to suffer from this same issue later on in life.

When it comes to our health, many issues that we can suffer from can be genetic. Genetic issues can run in our family line, meaning that we often find ourselves predisposed to potential health risks and problems later on in life. Certain illnesses and conditions can run in the family, so to speak. Well, when it comes to addiction, this can also be the case: someone who has a familial history of addiction could, in theory, be also likely to suffer from this same issue later on in life.

That can sound scary because nobody wants to feel like they are already set to become an addict before they have even engaged in an activity. However, it has been proven in the past that those who come from a familial history of certain addictions can find themselves more likely to face the same problem later on down the line.

Genetics can play a pretty important role in determining whether or not you are going to face the blight of addiction or not. In the past, it was assumed that addiction was simply something that happened to us and that we were ‘unlucky’ to fall into such habits. However, science has shown over the years that there is a significant connection between the familial history regarding addiction and your likelihood of being involved in addiction yourself.

For that reason, it is very important to understand the risks involved. Addiction running in your gene pool can mean that, yes, you are more likely to have an addictive personality, too. Just as our genes can help provide us with natural benefits over others, it can also mean that we often inherit weaknesses simultaneously.

How Do Genes Impact Addiction?

Exploring the Role of Genetics in Addiction and RecoveryJust as our genes can play a role in determining things like how tall we will be or what hair color we will have, our genes can also help to decide on our likely level of resistance to the blight of addiction. Indeed, some research in the past has suggested that your genetics can make up as much as 50% of the determination as to whether or not you are likely to face some addictive problem down the line.

The neurotransmitters in your gene pool might mean that you are less likely to have the impulse control needed to say no and not get involved in taking the substance that you have become addicted to. Of course, not everyone in the world who is an addict can look to genetics alone: somewhere down the line, though, your genetic make-up is likely to play at least a minor role in addiction becoming an issue.

Unfortunately, there are very few preventative measures that can be put in place to stop this from being a factor. What can be done, though, is a study of familial DNA to help point you in the right direction. For many, understanding why they are addicted is as important as understanding how to begin the steps to recovery. If you know that the problem is almost inherent in your genetics, it can make it easier to accept that you are A) an addict and B) need help.

When we feel like our addiction is simply the root cause of our negative behavior, it is naturally easier to just accept the process. When we understand that our genetics are likely to play a big role in our addictive personality, though, it can make it easier to come out the other side.

What About Recovery?

Exploring the Role of Genetics in Addiction and RecoveryThankfully, genetic dispositions to addiction can also be juxtaposed with genetic ability to impact recovery. You might have addicts in your family, but if they also have a strong history of recovery, then it can show that your genes also boast the kind of resilience and desire to overcome addiction. Sadly, many addicts are left with the genetic traits of an addict without any of the genetic traits needed to naturally inspire recovery. For those people, the journey to sobriety and overcoming addiction can be much longer.

Genetic testing helps us to understand people from the perspective of overcoming their addiction. It also allows us to understand them from the perspective of becoming addicted in the first place. Knowing that your gene pool has a strong history of addiction is not an easy thing to learn, after all. Finding out that your genes are also linked with strong recovery and overcoming your demons, though, can feel fantastic!

Genetics can play a role in our decision-making. It would be wise, if possible, to speak to a medical practitioner who has worked with your family in the long term. Look for someone who understands your familial history, if possible, and discuss your concerns about the future. If you suffer from addiction, then it helps to speak to professionals who understand your family history.

They can then help you to determine what the likely path to recovery is going to look like. They can also help you to understand that your condition is genetically empowered, and thus, you might be able to put a finger on why you became an addict in the first place. In addition, understanding why the process began is half the battle.

Get Help Overcoming Addiction Today

Naturally, you might feel worried about facing your addiction. When you find out that your family gene pool is created with the likelihood of increased tendency for addiction, it is only natural that you feel scared – concerned, even about your future and your well-being.

With that being the case, you should look to speak to a specialist in addiction recovery. Even if you are not an addict, if you know your family has this problem engrained within the family tree, then it can help to be prepared. Speak to an addiction therapist, and they can help you to both understand the situation and work towards prevention or, if needed, recovery.

At Akasha Recovery, we can provide you with the help, care, and support that you need to help you face off against this challenging time. Having professional support who can help and guide you through this difficult time is extremely important. Speak to us today if you want to know more about genetic addiction predispositions, as well as work towards creating a solution that means you can overcome the addiction once and for all.